ETC's reports and articles

A Proposed Approach to Science, Technology & Innovation (STI) Governance for Sustainability 23 May 2017
Climate change, smoke and mirrors 10 May 2017
108 organizations urged IPCC to review flagrant conflict of interest of allowing two oil company employees to co-author a crucial report on global warming 3 May 2017
Harvard scientists in Washington talk up stratospheric geoengineering experiments that would violate UN decision 24 Mar 2017
ETC Group's Long-Awaited 2016 Year-in-Review 30 Jan 2017
UN Biodiversity Convention grapples with threats posed by extreme biotech industry 19 Dec 2016
UN Convention on Biological Diversity reaffirms its moratorium on climate-related geoengineering 16 Dec 2016
ETC Group’s Year-End Update on Global Agriculture’s Mega-Mergers 13 Dec 2016
Briefing for Government Delegates 4 Dec 2016
Case studies exploring the impact of synthetic biology on natural products, livelihoods and sustainable use of biodiveristy 29 Nov 2016
