ETC's reports and articles

Big Ag Mega-Mergers in Play; Dow + Dupont in the Pocket? Next: Demonsanto? 15 Dec 2015
New ETC Group report, Breaking Bad, shows how Dow-DuPont, Monsanto and Syngenta seed and pesticide deals could be blocked by Global South 15 Dec 2015
Sign-on letter 11 Dec 2015
New Report Questions Risky Synthetic Biology Developments Promoted Under “Climate-Smart” Guise 26 Nov 2015
Synthetic Biology and Climate Smart Agriculture 26 Nov 2015
New report exposes biotech’s big bet to prop up fossil fuels + International video release. 24 Nov 2015
an ETC Group and Heinrich Böll Stiftung Report 24 Nov 2015
Cargill's Eversweet is competing with farmers and misleading consumers 3 Nov 2015
Farmers’ Rights and Food Sovereignty Under Fire 2 Oct 2015
The Volkswagen scandal is a warning that the Fossil Majors can’t be trusted to control GHG emissions 1 Oct 2015
Pope Francis’s encyclical takes on the Fossil Fuel Industry – and much more 18 Jun 2015
Evento co-organizado por el Grupo ETC y la Fundación Heinrich Boell 11 Jun 2015
