Reports on Biodiversity: CBD, SBSTTA, IPBES

Integration of artificial intelligence with synthetic biology
Industrial seaweed will not cool the climate or save nature
Report cover art showing digital game console being used to manipulate small farms
Deployment of Agricultural Digitalization in Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines
Food Barons 2022 report - cover art
Crisis Profiteering, Digitalization and Shifting Power
An introduction to a dangerous new technology putting Africans at risk
How Gene Drive Organisms Could Entrench Industrial Agriculture and Threaten Food Sovereignty
Manifesto Against Geoengineering
Synthetic Biology's New Spin on Fast Fashion
The Case Against Climate Geoengineering
Potential Impacts on Haiti’s Farming Communities
an ETC Group and Heinrich Böll Stiftung Report
The Industrial Food Chain or the Peasant Food Webs?
By Friends of the Earth, CTA and ETC Group
