Biodiversity: CBD, SBSTTA, IPBES: all materials

Ingredients, Flavours, Fragrances and Synthetic Biology 2 Jul 2013
Stop the spread of synthetic biology 5 Jun 2013
Article from Huffington Post 27 May 2013
Jim Thomas - Huffington Post 13 May 2013
Letter sent by ETC Group and Friends of the Earth to USDA APHIS 7 May 2013
Full links and background on the 2012 ocean fertilization scheme by HSRC. 28 Mar 2013
By Friends of the Earth, CTA and ETC Group 1 Dec 2012
by Duncan E.J. Currie LL.B. (Hons) LL.M. - October 19 2012 18 Nov 2012
Gene Giants Prepare the Genetic Wipe-out of One of the World’s Most Important Food Crops 15 Nov 2012
Commercial geoengineer obtained more than $1 million of community funds; Governments meeting in Hyderabad, India to discuss oversight of geoengineering 16 Oct 2012
Issued to Press on october 17th 2012 16 Oct 2012
A briefing for delegates to CBD COP11 4 Oct 2012
