Biodiversity: CBD, SBSTTA, IPBES: all materials

Integration of artificial intelligence with synthetic biology 5 Sep 2024
Briefing for delegates at SBSTTA 26 8 May 2024
Research shows that mass seaweed plantations pose a major threat to marine ecosystems and are unlikely to capture or permanently store significant quantities of carbon. 20 Sep 2023
Esquema de geoingeniería solar, de la página de Sola Geoengineering Non-Use Agreement
Overshoot Commission report endorses unproven carbon removal technology, opens door to solar geoengineering 14 Sep 2023
Industrial seaweed will not cool the climate or save nature 14 Sep 2023
Further tests will not be permitted, say Mexican authorities 17 Jan 2023
Profit driven experiments reveal how quickly solar geoengineering research can lead to deployment 11 Jan 2023
Despite some small victories, the critical principles of justice and precaution lost ground at COP 15 of the Convention on Biodiversity (CBD), as business, billionaires and biotech-backers brokered a deal for biodiversity that would work in their interest 21 Dec 2022
Activists drop 80-foot banners at COP15 warning of Billionaire takeover of biodiversity finance and policy 14 Dec 2022
Eighty-three national and international organizations from forty countries have released an open letter 12 Dec 2022
No to climate geoengineering! Open call to CBD Parties and CBD Secretariat 11 Dec 2022
An interview with Christine von Weizsäcker of ECOROPA 8 Dec 2022
Establishing Technology Horizon Scanning, Assessment & Monitoring in the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework 6 Dec 2022
