Biodiversity: CBD, SBSTTA, IPBES: all materials

Captain Hook and fellow crooks are in Curitiba where cogs* are keeping the COPs in line at the UN’s Biodiversity Convention 4 Jan 2006
Belated Visa for Africa's Top Diplomat leaves UN's Montreal Biosafety negotiations in suspense 23 May 2005
Montreal's status as UN's biodiversity headquarters is jeopardized 17 May 2005
Canadian-Led Coup to Allow Terminator Technology Narrowly Squelched at UN Meeting 10 Feb 2005
All-out push for commercialisation of Sterile Seed Technology 6 Feb 2005
Hook meets COPs at the UN's Biodiversity Convention in Malaysia Friday the 13th Awards for Outstanding Malchievements 11 Feb 2004
US Government and Multinational Seed Industry Force UPOV to Abandon Critique of Terminator 16 Apr 2003
The Year of Playing Dangerously 24 Oct 2002
"Using Terminator to halt GM seed contamination is like...Using DDT to kill the ants on your sandwich" 10 Apr 2002
For Outstanding Achievements in Biopiracy 8 Apr 2002
