November 08, 2023

The Politics of Technology

An exploration of different ways of thinking about technology and its influence at every level of our lives

The Politics of Technology is an invitation from A Growing Culture and ETC Group to explore different ways of thinking about technology and its influence at every level of our lives — from global economic structures, to food production, to the ways we communicate. Through the booklet, we encourage a shift towards the idea that all technology is political.

Within the publication, we:

  • Explore the numerous ways we can define “technology”
  • Challenge the key assumptions many of us hold about technology
  • Unpack the intentions behind technologies
  • Discuss the ways control over technology has shifted over time
  • Provide case studies of different technologies

The Politics of Technology draws on conversations between A Growing Culture; ETC Group; La Vía Campesina; the Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa; the International Union of Food, Agricultural, Hotel, Restaurant, Catering, Tobacco and Allied Workers’ Associations; and Pat Mooney. We are grateful for our partnership with Center for Story-based Strategy, and the support of The 11th Hour Project to create this work. It is intended not to impose a framework, but to offer food for thought and to spark conversations within our movements. 


PDF icon politics_of_technology_en_v2.pdf8.77 MB

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