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Solar Geoengineering

Warnings from scientists, indigeous peoples, youth and climate activists

Once relegated to the fringe of the climate debate, plans to use solar geoengineering to mask rising temperatures are receiving increasing attention from some scientists, governments, and the media. Catchy headlines about silver bullet fixes often downplay the real and profound risks that such technologies pose — including potentially devastating harm to ecosystems, increased droughts and extreme weather events, and the disruption of food production for millions of people around the world.

Leading Climate Scientists, Climate Activists, Indigenous Peoples, and Youth Speak on the Risks of Solar Geoengineering

Panels to discuss the growing risks and unequal impact of dangerous technological fixes

Once relegated to the fringe of the climate debate, proposals to use  solar geoengineering to mask the impacts of planetary warming are receiving increasing attention from scientists, the government, and the media. While conversations often center around “silver bullet fixes” they too frequently downplay the real and profound risks that such technologies pose. These impacts would affect all of us but would fall most heavily on Indigenous Peoples and communities in the Global South. 

New online resources to support the participatory assessment of new technologies

Illustration of an peasant farmers on a zoom call

The Covid-19 pandemic has accelerated the rise of a global resource-grab in our food and agriculture systems. This encompassing the digitalization of its core ecological and social components as a new means of making vast profits. Approaches that claim precision and efficient resource use are in fact a power grab by a data colossus – the world’s largest corporations, such as Google, Amazon, Microsoft and Alibaba - from the fields and fishing grounds of farmers and fisherfolk.

US and Canadian Groups Call for Ban on Face Masks Containing Toxic Nanomaterials

Face masks designed to protect against COVID-19 should use properly registered ingredients and not expose users to nanomaterials at occupational exposure levels

MINNEAPOLIS—Today, leading environmental and human health advocacy groups from the United States and Canada provided detailed evidence about face masks containing potentially toxic nanoscale materials in a letter to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Consumer Products Safety Commission (CPSC).

In memory of Rene Segbenou

ETC group would like to extend our sincere condolences to the friends, family and COPAGEN colleagues of Rene Segbenou who passed away on April 11, 2021.

ETC group would like to extend our sincere condolences to the friends, family and COPAGEN colleagues of Rene Segbenou who passed away on April 11, 2021. For over thirty years René Ségbènou has fought on so many fronts: peasant seeds, GMOs, biosecurity, agroecology, UPOV, patenting of living organisms, land grabbing, and the fight against BT cotton in Burkina. Rest in Peace.

ANIMATION Big Brother is Coming to the Farm: The digital takeover of food

In collaboration with Freehand Studio in Nairobi, we’re launching 'Big Brother is Coming to the Farm: the digital takeover of food', an animation about the #BattleForTheFutureOfFood.
An illustration of a cow standing next to a high-tec farm house

Giant corporations are driving significant and far-reaching changes in agriculture, food processing and retail all over the world. In collaboration with Freehand Studio in Nairobi, we’re launching 'Big Brother is Coming to the Farm: the digital takeover of food', an animation about the #BattleForTheFutureOfFood. It challenges the dominant industrial techno-fix narrative being promoted by the Food Systems Summit process and holds up food sovereignty and agroecology as an alternative.

Health and Environmental Groups Push European and World Leaders to Protect Citizens from Masks Containing Toxic Particle Nanographene

Brussels — Today, leading international health and environmental groups released a letter to European leaders urging immediate action to ban the sale and use of face masks and other personal protective equipment containing nanographene and other nanoparticles.

Jack and the Cloud Giant

It's World Storytelling Day, which has the theme of "new beginnings" this year, so we're sharing our new tale of Jack and the Cloud Giant, a twist on an old European fairytale!
The cover of the Jack and the Cloud Giant story showing a young peasant staring up at vines that look digital that are growing out of his farm

In this story, we follow a young peasant called Jack up a data-vine that leads into the Cloud Giant’s techno-castle, where he finds out what happens when he plugs his farm into the glittering apps and the dazzling promises of precision agriculture.

Gana una copia del juego ¡Disrupción! Una batalla por el futuro de la alimentación

En las últimas décadas, la forma en que las personas cultivan, comparten y comen alimentos en todo el mundo se ha convertido en la historia de dos sistemas alimentarios en conflicto, a los que llamamos Cadena alimentaria industrial y Red alimentaria campesina. La tensión entre estos dos sistemas es la base de nuestro nuevo juego ¡Disrupción! Una batalla por el futuro de la alimentación. 

Our new game "Disruption!: a battle for the future of food"

Box containing a card game with illustrations from the game

Over the last few decades, the way in which people grow, share and eat food around the world has become a tale of two conflicting food systems – which we call the Industrial Food Chain and the Peasant Food Web. The tension between these two systems is the basis of our new game Disruption! A battle for the future of food. 


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