Technology Assessment: all materials

ETC Group’s Irreverent Year in Review... again 28 Dec 2017
Disclosed emails reveal military as top funder; Gates Foundation paying $1.6 million to influence UN expert process 4 Dec 2017
A Proposed Approach to Science, Technology & Innovation (STI) Governance for Sustainability 23 May 2017
Pope Francis’s encyclical takes on the Fossil Fuel Industry – and much more 18 Jun 2015
Evento co-organizado por el Grupo ETC y la Fundación Heinrich Boell 11 Jun 2015
Ingredients, Flavours, Fragrances and Synthetic Biology 2 Jul 2014
Plant-Derived Pharmaceutical Ingredients and Synthetic Biology 2 Jul 2014
Rubber and Synthetic Biology: A New and Emerging Issue for CBD 2 Jul 2014
Ingredients, Flavours, Fragrances and Synthetic Biology 2 Jul 2014
Consumer, environmental, farming groups say synthetic biology is not natural or sustainable 2 Jun 2014
