ETC's reports and articles

Crucial Decisions in 1996. The Real Hot Spots. 31 Jan 1996
Bio-Prospectors Hall of Shame...or Guess Who's Coming to Pirate Your Plants?! Pros and Cons of Bilateral Bioprospecting Agreements 26 Dec 1995
Has the PPA Benefitted Society? The PPA's Relevance for the South. 30 Nov 1995
Cases from Thailand, Gabon, Ecuador, and Peru 30 Sep 1995
An Epidemic in Two Parts 29 Aug 1995
Staking Ever-Broader Claims on Entire Species and Important Traits; Implications for the South 31 Jul 1995
Indigenous Peoples Assert their Intellectual Integrity; Call for Life forms Patent-Free Zone in the Pacific; Life Forms Patent Update 31 May 1995
Genetically Engineered Designer Oilseeds: What's in the Pipeline? Coconut: Pillar of the Economy or Sunset Industry for the Phillipines? 31 Mar 1995
Industrial Patents on Microbes from the South; Deposits in the ATCC 31 Jan 1995
COPs... and Robbers... Transfer-Sourcing Indigenous Knowledge (with Indigenous Peoples' Biodiversity Network) 29 Nov 1994
The North's Annual Profit from International Agricultural Research is in the Range of U.S.$4-5 billion. 29 Oct 1994
The impact of intellectual property on trade, plant biodiversity, and rural society 31 Aug 1994
Initial Analysis of Microbial Genetic Resources Originating in the South and Held in the North 29 Jun 1994
