ETC's reports and articles

Civil Society Organizations Respond to Report on Synthetic Biology Governance from the J. Craig Venter Institute and Alfred P. Sloan Foundation 16 Oct 2007
Over Forty Groups Release Fundamental Principles for Nanotech Oversight, Citing Risks to the Public, Workers, and the Environment 30 Jul 2007
Internationale Organisationen verlangen Kontrollen für die Synthetische Biologie 24 Jun 2007
Intergovernmental scientific body fires shot across geoengineer’s bow 21 Jun 2007
Claiming to protect the planet from greenhouse gases, geo-engineer, Planktos, Inc., is poised to dump iron in waters off the Galapagos Islands and thumbing its nose at the International Maritime Organization and the US government 18 Jun 2007
Synthia – the “Original Syn” artificial microbe – may have jumped a hurdle that Dolly – the cloned sheep – never could 6 Jun 2007
J. Craig Venter Institute Seeks Monopoly Patents on the World's First-Ever Human-Made Life Form 6 Jun 2007
but little joy in foiling soy ploy at this late date 2 May 2007
This time the “silver bullet” has a gun 29 Apr 2007
