As a small non-profit organisation, ETC Group relies heavily on advice, knowledge and in-kind support offered by friends and allies, including scientists, technology experts, policy experts, farmers, agronomists, lawyers, academics as well as journalists, graphic artists, translators, editors and more. In the course of our research and advocacy our programme staff often need to reach out to experts for scientific and technical advice, and we are always extremely grateful for the time and attention. If you have expertise in an area that touches on ETC Group's work and would be happy to field questions and inquiries from our staff or help connect us to sources of useful information during research and advocacy, please do let us know by filling in the form below or emailing Please describe fully what expertise and or services you may be able to offer. We can't promise you will hear from us, but we will keep your contact on file and may be in touch when we are doing relevant research and advocacy work.
Thank You.