Regulate Synthetic Biology Now: 194 Countries
Submitted by Dru Oja Jay on
Submitted by Dru Oja Jay on
Submitted by Dru Oja Jay on
Submitted by Dru Oja Jay on
Submitted by Veronica Villa on
Your Holiness:
With the utmost respect, we address Your Holiness regarding a topic of grave concern and global scope—genetically modified (GM) crops and their impact on peoples and on nature, land, water, seeds, and economies, especially those of the Global South.
Submitted by Dru Oja Jay on
The unique scent of the patchouli plant is used in many fragrances and scented products. It is mostly grown in Malaysia, China, India and Singapore. One synthetic biology company is aiming to use synthetically modified microbes to produce a patchouli oil substitute, which could have negative effects on farmers.
Submitted by Dru Oja Jay on
Cocoa butter, the main ingredient in chocolate, is produced by 30 tropical countries, and is sold for an estimated $6 billion annually. One synthetic biology company has engineered synthetically modified microbes to produce a cocoa butter substitute, which could threaten the livelihoods of millions of farmers.
Submitted by Dru Oja Jay on
Submitted by Dru Oja Jay on
Submitted by Veronica Villa on
Start of an international call to stop genetically engineered organisms
spreading into the environment! Coalition calls for the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity and its Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety to take action.
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